Sunday, October 17, 2010

Vote for Decembers Model of the Month! - Poll to the right

Hey readers, you get to pick the model of the month!  Yeah it's over 40 days away, but that's no reason not to start this so soon.  November has a model already picked :), but December you have a choice in the matter. 

Help me decide which of these fine people will win the Model of the Month for December.  Leave a comment also on who you decided and why.  I'll try to setup a early December shoot with the MOTM winner.

Christina Smith
Pretty, Smart (She has a bio degree) and awesome, Christina rocks.  I'm shooting her wedding in November actually.

Christina's Flickr Set

Stephen Elliot
A class act.  Stephen does television now.  A consummate professional, and very reliable.

Stephen's Flickr Set

Veronica Guerra
Looking for someone who is edgy and brave, Veronica is the one.  She's willing to put herself in some crazy spots not just for you, but because she's just like that.  

Veronica's Flickr Set (Warning Contains Nudity)

Maryn Oroz
Maryn is an old friend, and adorable.  She is a natural in front of the camera.  She never had aspirations to be a model model, but every time she's in front of the camera people get in line to shoot her.

Maryn's Flickr Set

Bonnie Rae Adams
The pinnacle of girls next door.  Bonnie is a bunch of energy, sensuality, and awesomeness placed in one package.  Tall too boot, she's got everything going for her...except the fact she likes scary small dogs that looks like rats.

Bonnie's Flickr Set

So there's a lot days so pick well.  Thanks all who participate!

1 comment:

  1. Although initially I voted for Christine, who wouldn't love to have a beautiful blond in front of the camera. But in the end I voted for Maryn. Pretty, some one that a guy or girl for that matter could relate to, someone I might actually know. As a photographer, the possibilities and different setting,made her the choice for me. I could see her being anything the photographer needed.
