Monday, October 11, 2010

Trying out a new 60D

Apreturent was kind enough to lend me a 60D to test out.  My other blog will have a hands-on review of the 60d, but this blog would be a great place to showcase some photos from Canon's newest consumer dslr.  Also my landlord Danna picked up a Canon G12 also and is letting me test it out, so some photos from the g12 will also be up.  How exciting!

Canon 60D with the 85 1.2L II
Here are some photos straight out of camera from the 60d today paired with a Canon 24 1.4L and a 85 1.2L II.  Tiffany and I decided to do some quick photos.

Canon 60D with 24 1.4L  
Canon 60D with 24 1.4L

Using the New "Toy Camera" effect

More images soon (ones that aren't quick snapshots), I have several shoots planned the next few days.